Xero Accounting Software for UK Residential Landlords

Are you finding it tough to manage your property finances and rental business? Xero offers a single, easy-to-use solution for landlords. It helps simplify managing your property portfolio. Let’s see how Xero can change the way you handle your rentals.

Key Takeaways

  • Streamline your property finances with real-time income and expense tracking in Xero.
  • Gain valuable insights to make informed decisions about your rental portfolio.
  • Stay compliant with HMRC regulations through Xero’s Making Tax Digital (MTD) features.
  • Consolidate your property management tasks in one user-friendly, cloud-based platform.
  • Integrate Xero with leading apps to enhance your rental business operations.

Being a UK landlord means you juggle finance, tenants, and HMRC rules. It’s a lot to handle, leaving little time to grow your business. Xero steps in to simplify how you manage your properties.

Simplify Your Finances and Save Time

With Xero, managing your rental business becomes straightforward. Link your bank accounts to easily track income and expenses. Its features can cut down on accounting tasks, saving you time.

Gain Valuable Insights and Make Informed Decisions

Xero gives you a clear view of your property portfolio. This helps you see what’s making money and what’s not. With this info, you can decide how to best grow your business.

Stay Compliant with HMRC Regulations

Staying compliant with HMRC is crucial. Xero makes this easier. It prepares you for the upcoming digital tax changes. Plus, it makes filing taxes simple with HMRC-friendly reports.

Xero: Your All-in-One Property Management Solution

Xero is your central hub for managing every part of your rental business. It helps with finances, compliance, and more. With everything in one place, you can run your business better.

Seamless Rent Collection and Tenant Management

Xero makes collecting rent and managing tenants more efficient. Set up automated monthly invoices for tenants. It works with payment services to ensure you get paid on time.

Integrate with Industry-Leading Apps

Connect Xero with top apps designed for landlords. It integrates with property management tools. This makes your job even easier.

Get Started with Xero’s Free Trial

Start with Xero’s free 30-day trial to see if it’s right for you. It’s a secure, cloud-based platform. You’ll always get the latest updates and support.

Pricing Plans to Suit Your Needs

Choose from Xero’s various pricing plans to fit your property management needs. It’s designed to help whether you have one property or many.


Xero is perfect for UK landlords who want to simplify their property management. It offers easy financing, crucial insights, and HMRC compliance. With its user-friendly design and helpful apps, Xero makes property accounting enjoyable for any landlord.

Simplify Your Finances and Save Time

Xero lets you handle all your property money matters in one spot. By connecting your bank account with Xero, you can keep an eye on rental payments, deposits, and bills right away. This information is always at hand, even on your phone, making finance management easy.1 With Xero’s easy-to-use tools and automated steps, looking after your accounts becomes quicker and simpler. Features like bank feeds and auto-coding help you know your finances better without the hassle.

Manage All Property Finances in One Place

All your property money info, like what’s coming in and going out, is stored in one place thanks to Xero. This gives you a sharp view of your financial health. And, with this clear picture, making smart choices for your rental business is easier than ever.

Track Income and Expenses in Real-Time

Xero and your bank, quite literally, stay connected. This means you’re always in the loop about what you’re earning and spending. You can check this info on your phone whenever. Being able to see this stuff right away helps you manage your budget and spot chances or problems early.

Automate Everyday Tasks for Efficiency

Xero’s simple setup and automated jobs make doing accounting work a breeze. Tasks like creating invoices, paying bills, and tracking expenses are done for you.1 This leaves you free to focus on making your rental business bigger. No more spending too much time on the small stuff.

Gain Valuable Insights and Make Informed Decisions

With Xero, understanding your property investments becomes easier. You can see how each one is doing and which ones are most profitable.2 It offers customisable reports to fit your needs. This is helpful whether you want to raise rents, find properties to sell, or check your financial position. Xero gives you the info you need to make smart choices about your properties.

Monitor Property Performance and Profitability

Xero helps you keep a close eye on how each investment is doing.2 You’ll know which ones are making the most money and which might need a bit more work. This way, you can use facts to decide what to do next with your properties.

Analyse Data with Customised Reports

With Xero, you can make financial reports that suit your property owner needs.2 It doesn’t matter if you want to look at rent coming in, money going out, or how profitable your properties are. Xero’s reports help you understand your situation better. This can lead to wise, well-informed decisions.

Stay Compliant with HMRC Regulations

Xero helps your rental business follow HMRC rules. It includes new changes like Making Tax Digital for Income Tax Self-Assessment (MTD ITSA).3 The first part of MTD ITSA starts in April 2026. If you earn over £50,000 a year, you must follow these new rules.3 Also, if your earnings are higher than £30,000, you need to comply from April 2027.3 Storing your financial data digitally in Xero helps you stay ready. You must keep records digital and send updates to HMRC every quarter.

MTD ITSA Compliance with Digital Record-Keeping

3 From April 2026, landlords earning over £50,000 need to meet MTD ITSA rules.3If you share property with someone and earn over £50,000, these rules apply to you too.3 Starting April 2027, the earnings limit drops to £30,000 for all landlords.3 Some may not need to follow MTD ITSA, like income from Real Estate Investment Trusts (REIT). Property sales tax is not in MTD ITSA either.3 Landlords who are companies must still send their accounts to HMRC and Companies House.

Streamlined Tax Submissions

Xero makes tax filing easier with reports that meet HMRC’s needs.3 If you need to, you can also send updates every quarter. Plus, you must make a final declaration by January 31 after each tax year.3 Using Xero makes it simpler to handle your money and meet MTD rules.

Using Xero Software for UK Residential Landlords

Xero is made to assist small businesses and landlords in managing their finances and properties.4 It’s in the cloud, so you can check your accounts from anywhere, even outside the UK.5 The easy-to-use design of Xero is great for residential landlords, with special features just for them.4 With Xero handling your accounts, you can put more time into making your rental business better, not in paperwork.

Cloud-Based Access from Anywhere

Xero works as cloud accounting software. This means you can reach your data from everywhere – a big plus for landlords with properties in many places.5 It helps keep your finances and property management under control, no matter your location.

User-Friendly Interface for Easy Adoption

Xero’s design is simple and easy for landlords to use.5 Because it’s so user-friendly, you’ll get the hang of it fast, making the switch to cloud accounting smooth for your rental business.

Xero: Your All-in-One Property Management Solution

Xero is your go-to for looking after your rentals. It helps you keep track of all money coming in and going out. Plus, it keeps you on the right side of HMRC rules. This means you have everything in one place for your property management needs.4 By having your financials, tenant details, and how your place runs on one cloud-based app, Xero lets you run things smoother. You can also spot trends and make smarter choices for your rental places.6

With all sorts of tools for property management, Xero is the top pick for landlords in the UK. It does everything from accounting to running your property business. So, if you want to sort your rental property and get ahead, Xero is the way to go.46

Seamless Rent Collection and Tenant Management

Xero helps you make rent collection and managing tenants easier. You can create monthly invoices for tenants to pay rent online. This way, they find it simple to pay you.7 Xero works with payment services like GoCardless. This means you can automatically get the rent. It lowers the chance of payments being late or missing.7 You can keep all tenant info in one place too, such as contact details and payment records.

Set Up Recurring Invoices and Online Payments

With Xero, setting up monthly invoices for your tenants is a breeze. They’ll get their rent bills on time.7 Xero also allows online payments. This helps to smoothen rent collecting. No more chasing those late payments!7

Keep Tenant Information Organised

Xero acts as a central place to save all tenant details and payment history.7 It’s great for keeping everything in check. You can easily find what you need, track rents, and keep records up to date for all your properties.

automated rent collection

Integrate with Industry-Leading Apps

Xero lets you connect your accounting to top tools for landlords and property managers. You can link Xero with GoCardless. This setup makes rent collection easy for you and your tenants.7 Xero also works with special property management software. It helps you organize your work better and view important data from different systems in one place.

Connect to GoCardless for Automated Rent Collection

By linking Xero with GoCardless, rent collection becomes smooth for your tenants. They can set up regular payments easily. This means you get rent on time every month.7 With this link, you don’t have to create manual invoices or chase after payments. It saves you a lot of time and hassle.

Utilise Property Management Software Integration

Xero merges well with software like Landlord Studio for better workflow management. It helps you see key data from your different systems all together.7 When you link Xero and Landlord Studio, you avoid entering the same data twice. Your financial info stays current and accurate always.7 This type of connection gives you a clear picture of your property investments. It helps you make smarter choices based on real facts.

Get Started with Xero’s Free Trial

Sign up for Xero’s free 30-day trial to test out its cool features. This way, you can check how it helps with managing your rental properties. Xero is safe to use, thanks to its secure, cloud-based system and a tech support team. This means your financial info is in good hands and you’ll always get the newest updates.8

Explore Features for 30 Days

With Xero’s8 free trial, get to know all its features for UK residential landlords. See how its easy layout, automatic tasks, and smart insights can make managing properties easier. You’ll find out how it can boost your rental business.3

Secure and Supported Platform

Xero offers a safe place for your finances. It’s a global leader in cloud accounting, making sure your data is always safe. You can work from any place, knowing your details are guarded. Plus, the Xero team is always ready to help you out.8

Xero free trial

Testimonials and Success Stories

Discover how UK landlords improved their property management with Xero.9 They learnt to better handle their money, found useful insights, and took smarter choices regarding their rentals.9 You’ll see real changes that Xero can make in your Xero landlord rental business.

A great example is Total Machining Solutions. They got nearly £10,000 back in taxes for 2016.10 Then, they claimed another £10,000 for R&D tax credits in 2017.10 The boss, Paul Beckett, is waiting for a £10,000 tax refund this year.10 Setting up the R&D tax scheme with his accountant took only around three hours.10

Landlord Studio is also worth mentioning. This Xero solution manages more than 30,000 properties.9 It’s reviewed 73 times independently and got five stars in value, function, user-friendliness, and support.9

Landlord Testimonial Key Benefit
“Xero has transformed the way I manage my rental properties. The software’s real-time tracking and automated workflows have saved me so much time and effort.” – Sarah Thompson, Landlord Streamlined finances and time-saving property management
“With Xero, I now have complete visibility over my rental portfolio’s performance. The data-driven insights have helped me make more informed decisions about my investments.” – John Brown, Landlord Valuable insights and data-driven decision making
“Xero’s HMRC-compliant features and seamless digital record-keeping have made tax season a breeze. I no longer have to worry about staying on top of regulations.” – Emma Davies, Landlord HMRC compliance and simplified tax reporting

The Xero landlord stories show how Xero makes property management smoother and more insightful, keeping you on the right side of the law, with added time and effort savings.

Pricing Plans to Suit Your Needs

Xero has various pricing plans fitting the needs of landlords. Whether you own just one property or many, there’s something for you.4 You can choose a simple plan to start with and then switch to a bigger one as you grow.4 You won’t need to spend a lot to efficiently manage your property money with Xero.

Scalable Options for Portfolio Growth

When your property collection grows, Xero’s plans can grow with you. This means you can easily get more from Xero as your business gets bigger. You’ll always have the best tools for your accounting needs.

Cost-Effective Solutions for Landlords

Xero knows landlords have to watch their finances. That’s why they have affordable plans just for managing properties.4 No matter if you’re just starting out or have done this a while, Xero helps you manage your money. So, you can put more focus on making your rental business succeed.


Xero is perfect for UK landlords wanting to manage their properties better. It helps with your money, gives you important info, and keeps you in line with HMRC rules11. This software lets you run your rentals well and concentrate on business growth.

Its easy-to-use design, ability to access it online, and work with other top apps12 makes handling accounts simple. No matter if you own one house or many, Xero fits your needs.

With Xero, you can update your finances easily and follow the rules without stress11. This ensures your investments do their best and grow smoothly. Xero offers tools like real-time updates and automatic processes to make managing properties easier.

So, for any UK landlord wanting to improve how they deal with their properties and finances, Xero is the answer. Try it for free12 and discover how Xero can change your property managing for the better.


How can Xero help me manage my rental property finances?

Xero brings together all your property money matters in one place. Here, you can watch over rent coming in, costs going out, and what tenants pay. Plus, you get to speed up your accounts work with some clever automations.

What kind of insights can I gain from using Xero?

Using Xero gives you a clearer view on your property deals. Its reports shine a light on what’s making money and how it’s doing. This helps you steer your investments in smarter ways.

How does Xero ensure my rental business stays compliant with HMRC regulations?

Xero keeps your money info ready for HMRC’s new digital tax rules. It simplifies submitting taxes with reports made to fit what HMRC needs. So, less time worrying about the taxman.

Can I access my Xero accounts from anywhere?

Yes, Xero lives in the cloud, meaning whoever you are, you can check or run your rental business on the go. Its friendliness means you can be a software whizz without trying too hard.

How does Xero help with rent collection and tenant management?

Xero lets you easily bill your tenants every month online. Linking it with GoCardless means rent comes in smoothly, keeping things timely. It also keeps your tenant details all in one tidy spot.

What kind of integrations does Xero offer for landlords?

The world of Xero works with loads of useful apps for landlords. It connects with GoCardless to sort your rent, and with lettings software to keep everything flowing well and clearly.

Can I try Xero before committing to a paid plan?

Definitely, Xero lets you play with it free for 30 days. This time’s perfect for seeing how it could make your rental money managing simpler. So, why not give it a go?

What pricing plans are available for landlords using Xero?

With Xero, there are various plans for all types of landlords. This includes those just starting and those who’ve built a big set of properties. There’s always a plan that fits, with options to grow with you.
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